Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Ezekiel and the Dry Bones - X-ray Craft

Here's a very quick x-ray/skeleton craft we did last night, to go along with reading Ezekiel 37. You know the passage..."Dem bones, dem bones, dem dry bones." In fact, I couldn't resist playing the Wiggles singing that song for the children (you can find it here, on YouTube), before we read the passage.

Then, we made our craft...

...and watched The Magic School Bus Flexes Its Muscles, which you can find, here, on gamequarium.org.

I have to say thanks to Ticia at Adventures in Mommydom, for getting me thinking about skeletons, which led me to singing the song, which reminded me of the passage in Ezekiel, because it is a fun passage - prophecy, skeletons, analogy, and some really cool special effects!

If you want to show your children an actual x-ray image of a hand, we found a good one, here.

Or, for more Bible themed crafts, and fun, head over to this week's Bible Alive! Tuesday, hosted by The Fantastic Five.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. What a great way to make your own X-rays! I believe the first time I watched the Wiggles, they were singing that song. You know those guys creep me out!

  2. I love the way the x-ray came out! We were just going to read the Dem Bones book. This would be fun to do after! Thanks for the great idea!

  3. bones...X-rays.....bones....all GREAT STUFF

    I am planning a Forensic Science study for January.

  4. So much fun! None of my kids have been Wiggles fans, so we are not familiar with the video but I'll have to check it out.

    I think you do a great job of incorporating some of the seasonal themes without touching upon anything spooky or Halloweenish (just made that word up). You are so clever.

  5. AAAAAHHHHH! No Wiggles!

    My kids would love their own X-Ray skeleton hand. Maybe we'll do that for our X creation. Nothing like deciding to add a craft halfway through the alphabet.

  6. Love this craft - Anna might enjoy it too. They did something similar in school using cotton swabs for skeleton bones.

  7. Again- your ideas amaze me! This craft, and the links, would only enhance the Bible passage you chose- I mean, seriously, how CRAZY would it have been to see skeletons come back to life? Isn't our God CREATIVE?

  8. Very creative. My son had an actual x-ray taken this month. He wasn't sure what to think.

  9. Monday, Nov. 8, is the day (in 1859) that the x-ray was discovered. I was looking for a very simple, quick activity that would be fun and go along with our "What's Special Today?" topic (we homeschool, too). I love this idea! Quick, simple, and looks terrific! Thanks!! :o)

  10. Thanks for introducing me to the gamequarium - can't believe I never knew of it before!

  11. This is a great idea. We just did a unit on skeletons, and I wrote a post about all our activities (http://gooddayswithkids.com/2015/11/02/skeletons/). I linked to this post.

