Saturday, September 11, 2010

Welcome Fall - Leaf Puppets

As much as we've enjoyed summer this year, the first few gold tinted leaves, on our front yard, this morning, say it's time to welcome fall. And, what better way, than with these Toddler Blog inspired, fall leaf puppets?

All you need is a few fall leaves, google eyes, craft sticks, pipe cleaners, and Elmer's school glue (or hot glue, if you really want to get serious).

Glue the leaves high on the craft sticks.

Then, add eyes...

...and pipe cleaner arms. Glue them to the sticks, and then secure them, by wrapping them around, once.

Hello, fall!

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Very cute craft. It would probably be fun to do it with different leaves too.

  2. I think I've "fall"-en in love with this craft! (hee! hee!)

  3. ::::SIGH::::

    I miss kid projects. I wonder if I can get my 14,15,17 year old to make leaf puppets on sticks. They just might do it to make mom happy....

  4. Oh my gosh those are so cute! Thanks so much for this, I'll be linking.

  5. Sweet - So cute!

    I’d love it if you shared this with the Fun Family Crafts audience. FFC is similar to Craftgawker but it only features kid friendly tutorials. Looking forward to seeing what fun crafts you submit!

