Monday, September 27, 2010

Pancakes and Pi

Well, we've done pumpkin science, and pumpkin math. And, we've been pureeing pumpkin all morning. Some of which turned nicely into pumpkin butter (recipe here - but be warned, it's very spicy)...

...that we used in pumpkin pancakes (recipe here - just substitute 2/3 cup pumpkin butter, from above, for the pumpkin puree, and they are quite fluffy, pumpkiny, and wonderful).

Inspired by Little Page Turners, I even tried to get cheeky, and attempted to make pumpkin "pi" pancakes for the kids...

...but they settled for short stacks instead.

My hat is off to Christianne, of Little Page Turners, and Lindsey, from Filth Wizardry who inspired her. And, I sit in total awe of Jim from Jim's Pancakes (if you haven't seen his creations, click the link - it's too good to miss!).

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Pumpkin "Pi"- *snort,snort*- "chuckle, chuckle"...

  2. Hey, you keep making me come back to see your creative genius! So yummy looking...drool.

  3. Very clever! I can barely make Mickey and Minnie pancakes.

  4. Great blog! I'm also a homeschooling mom with a food blog.

    I'll be reading more.

  5. Your pumpkin pi pancake is very impressive. Jim's Pancakes are AMAZING - I was captivated by all of them, but especially enjoyed the carousel pancakes and the biplane pancakes.

    I would have never thought the humble pumpkin could have been such a great resource for maths.

  6. My oldest did, and he got quite a chuckle out of it. I had to explain it to the rest, who have used 3.14 in geometry before, at least some of them, but had not seen the symbol.

  7. I am amazed with how much fun and learning you could "squeeze" out of two pumpkins. Those pancakes make me crave lunch.

  8. Thanks for the shoutout! The pi turned out great! And I love the pun of having pumpkin "pi" pancakes. They looked delicious! Wish I lived close by to try them and some of your pumpkin butter. :)

  9. I like pancakes and 'pi' and pumpkins.

    sometimes we make weird wiggly blobs with the pancakes then make up a story......
    like hen you make real things out of cloud shapes.

