Friday, September 10, 2010

Constellation Books for Children and an Activitiy

We hit the mother load of excellent, constellation themed, children's books, at the library, yesterday afternoon.

And, we had some additional, Fancy Nancy fun, inspired by Jane O'Connor's Fancy Nancy Sees Stars. Just in case you're wondering, it did not involve making star cookies (though it easily could have, as Raising a Happy Child, pointed out in the comments of yesterday's constellation dot-to-dot post).

We had actually already turned the left over yellow cookie dough, from our star chart cookie, into star cookies, while watching The Magic School Bus Sees Stars (here, on Gamequarium). It's a lot of Magic School Bus fun, as always, but with a heavy dose of big bang, and ancient earth theory thrown in, so be warned.

Besides eating cookies, Fancy Nancy, and her family, set up lawn chairs, at night, in their backyard, for their own "private" show, after missing the presentation at the local planetarium.

I would have loved to have done that, but of course, our weather, last night, was chilly, cloudy, and wet - not good for star viewing, at all. Instead, I pulled out the plastic glow-in-the-dark stars, left over from our glow-in-the-dark star stickers, that have been taking up space in our supply cupboard, for years.

They don't have any sticky on the back, so I've never been sure what to do with them - until last night. When, I put clear tape donuts on the back of each, and had G stick them to the underside of the table... we could surprise the little ones, with a truly private, if not exactly accurate, star show, of their own.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. How much fun is that?

    I'm thinking of all the fun I could have with that.

  2. Very original! My kids would love that.

    Thanks for the book suggestions too.

  3. I have those exact same stars in the box because I didn't know what to do with them. I might have to borrow the idea from you for when the kids come over for play and a star show! Great books and every time I come to your blog, I feel like I gain a few extra virtual pounds. :)

  4. Now I could get into doing this with Selena, so long as Papa didn't know we were doing it. I think he would object to taping something to anything in the house.

  5. Can I be a kid at your house. Please. :) Stars under the table is such a fun idea.

  6. What a great idea to use those stars. I am looking forward to the book reviews, they all look great to me. It's neat that you can easily get what you need in your library. And I knew that star cookies will make their appearance in your house :)

  7. Love it!! You DID hit the motherload of star books at the library -- lucky you!

    Looks like the kids had SO much fun!!

  8. Oh now that is cool, they can stay there under the tabel in all of their glory and no one even needs know they are there.

