Thursday, July 8, 2010

Candle Roasting Mini-Marshmallows

The Man of the House might be king of the campfire, but when it comes to roasting marshmallows, he can't hold a candle to the kids, and me. Not that he would try. He found this whole activity strange, but I'd rate it as one of our family-fun-top-10s.

With all the camping talk going on amongst the older kids, I wanted to get the little ones in on more of the fun. So, last night I pulled out a bag of mini-marshmallows, a plate of broken graham cracker pieces, a few chocolate chips, a candle, toothpicks, and as an afterthought, a few wooden skewers.

My plan had been to roast the marshmallows, over the candle, using toothpicks.

But, I decided the skewers were better, because they keep small hands further from the flame. Which was important, by the time I had two candles going, and all six kids gathered 'round.

There is some finesse required to properly roast a marshmallow. It has to be close enough to flame to brown, but not too close, or it will catch fire (just blow it out, and eat it anyway, if that happens). And, you have to keep it turning, for even browning. It didn't take the kids long to get the hang of it though.

There is really nothing like a flame roasted marshmallow - crunchy on the outside, warm, and gooey on the inside - delicious. Of course, by the time you use that warm, gooey, goodness to melt chocolate between graham crackers...'s moving on up to scrumptious.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. We are SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO doing this- AWESOME!

  2. This looks like SO much fun. How clever! My boys like to catch marshmallows on fire so they can watch them burn. Life with boys can be interesting.

  3. He might have thought this was strange, I think it is fantastic and the tiny smores look yummy!

  4. All of a sudden, I find myself planning a camping theme. I can't wait to do this.

  5. that would be great on a stormy night when all the lights go out :)

  6. What a fantastic idea... the "miniature" side of it really appeals to me for some reason... I love it! Thanks for sharing.

  7. I love this mini s'mores idea! Everything is better bite-sized! lol :)

  8. You are such a cool mom! Now I want to try it myself :)

  9. P.S. I am going to do this with the 5th and 6th grade girls in my dorm at camp next week...oh yeah- you will make me the COOLEST Dorm Mom ever! Thanks for the inspiration!

  10. I am totally roasting marshmallows over a candle when I get home. This is awesome!

