Saturday, May 29, 2010

What My Child is Reading - May 29, 2010

In preparation for jumping back on the Dinosaur Trail this summer, which I really hope we get a chance to do, I put a hold on a couple dozen dinosaur themed story books from the library. They started trickling in this week, a few at a time, and we've been enjoying the mix of fiction, fantasy, and science, that they offer.

Some have been pure fantasy,

Some fiction, mixed with science,

And some, science (also mixed with good deal of fiction).

No one said studying dinosaurs was simple. We enjoyed all the books above, though none of them were written from a young earth perspective, hopefully those will arrive in, soon. I think Dad's Dinosaur Day was probably our favorite, but I'll be sharing more about it, and a few of the others, in connection with the crafts and/or snacks they inspired, later in the week (Lord willing).

In the meantime, you can find children's book reviews, and recommendations at this week's What My Child is Reading blog hop, hosted by Natalie at Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Those look great! I'll have to check out a few of them, particularly the Dad one with Father's Day coming up.

  2. Looks like some great dinosaur books there. After our last experience with dinosaurs I think we will wait a while before reading anymore.

