Saturday, May 15, 2010

What My Child is Reading - May 15, 2010

The little ones introduced Grandma to the Fancy Nancy series, during her visit this week. They've been on such a Fancy Nancy kick, they haven't really wanted to read anything else.

While we were visiting the Anaconda library though, the older girls snatched up a few Cam Jansen mysteries, that they couldn't remember having read during their Cam Jansen phase, last summer. In case you haven't encountered David Adler's mystery series for young readers (really for young girls), Cam Jansen is a 5th grader, with a photographic memory, who, along with her friend Eric, solves every mystery that comes along.

The series is written for 2nd to 4th graders, so a little young for my girls - at least the oldest who is now 11. I'm hoping to be able to use them a spring board into something more Nancy Drew-ish this summer. So far, I haven't had much luck interesting the older children in any other mystery series. But with our library's summer reading program coming right up, they'll be in search of another good series get into - so maybe this will be the summer.

For more children's book reviews and recommendations, click over to this week's What My Child Is Reading link up at Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Selena enjoys the Fancy Nancy books. I don't think she is quite ready for the other books yet, but will keep them in mind.

  2. We love Fancy Nancy around here, and we tend to use her words a lot. We were just using the word "dapper" the other day!


  3. We too love Fancy Nancy around here. I will have to look at the Cam Jansen books.

    Miss Frizzles Adventures are their foray into History. I believe there are only two.

  4. We have a couple of Fancy Nancy books, but Anna was not very interested in them so far. Every book has some major mishap, and Anna is not a big fan of this. I like the illustration though - very cheerful. I am looking forward to reading more chapter books. It's tricky though, because the ones I looked at obviously assume higher age than 3. She does enjoy My First Little House books a lot.

  5. Have you read Encyclopedia Brown yet? Again, they're a little young, but they might enjoy those. Or Trixie Belden, the lesser known and harder to find girl mystery books.

  6. Ticia - I forgot about Trixie Belden. I'll have to check the library for her :)

  7. I cannot wait till my daughter can read Nancy Drew books! Those were my favorites as a kid. :)

