Saturday, March 27, 2010

What My Child is Reading - March 27, 2010

We read several fun Passover themed books this week.

This Is The Matzah, by Abby Levine, does an excellent job explaining the modern Passover celebration, as well as the stories, traditions, and symbols behind it. Most of our reading, this week though, came straight out of the Bible, for the older children, and The Young Reader's Bible, for the little ones.

We've been with the Hebrews, and Egyptians in the book of Exodus, all week. But, now we'll jumped ahead to the New Testament, for the Triumphal Entry (can you believe Palm Sunday is tomorrow, already!?!), and the last supper - another Passover story.
For more children's book reviews, and recommendations, find out what everyone else has been reading, at Mouse Grows, Mouse Learns' What My Child Is Reading weekly link up/blog hop.
It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Great books! I have heard about Too Many Cooks. Thank you for reminding me about that book.

  2. Thanks for the Passover recommendations - I might try This Is The Matzah next year with Anna.

  3. I am so bookmarking these for when we learn about Passover, especially Too Many Cooks.

