Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Emperor's New Clothes Activity - Drawing on The Mirror

Before we leave Hans Christian Andersen behind for a while, I wanted to do at least one activity, that might include the boys.

My six year old (tomorrow he'll be my seven year old!) son, enjoyed reading The Dinosaur's New Clothes, adapted by Diane Good from Andersen's Emperor's New Clothes. So, I thought we'd use that story as inspiration for our last activity.

I gave the youngest girls the set of washable markers, and stood their brother, as the Emperor, on a chair in front of the bathroom mirror (it's the largest mirror in our house).

The girls, acting the unscrupulous tailors, created a suit of clothing for the Emperor, by drawing on the mirror, around their brother's reflection, so he could admire the clothes, he wasn't really wearing.

It wasn't long before the mirror was covered in an entire wardrobe, fit for wise, and worthy Emperors, and Empresses, alike.

Oh, and just in case you're wondering, washable markers, wipe quite easily off of a mirror, with a clean, dry towel.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. I think dry erase markers are one of the best homeschool products out there. We often use them on the fridge and windows too. Thanks for sharing a cute idea.

  2. I like the activities you come up with. We read this book in the library the other day, and Anna liked it OK, mostly because of the dinosaurs. The story itself just went "whoosh" over her head :)

  3. What a great activity! That remind me I desperately need to clean my mirrors in my room from when the kids happily smeared a jar of lotion on them.

