Saturday, December 19, 2009

Recycled Plastic Bag Ribons - Simple Wrapping Solutions

My in-laws sent us a box of presents earlier this week. It was quite exciting. But, I have to tell you, I was just about as thrilled to see the assortment of colorful plastic bags they used for padding, as I was to unload the actual gifts. You know how it is, once you start recycling, and repurposing, you see fun potential in every empty bag, or box.
So, when I finally got the goodie plates ready for the neighbors today, and realized they looked a little plain, out came the bags.

A couple of quick snips, and a knot, and the goodies looked so much more festive.

If my ribbons aren't fancy enough for you though, check out the plastic bag bows at Creative Jewish Mom, they're quite beautiful.

It's great to be a homeschooler.

