Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Painting Christmas Welcome Rocks - Advent Activity Day 1

The first slip in our advent activity calendar, said that it was time to paint the Christmas welcome rocks. It's a pretty simple activity, and fairly self-explanatory. We keep a few rocks outside the door, that the kids paint with acrylic paint, according to the season. We don't seal them with any kind of varnish, so they are easy to repaint, when the time comes.

And clearly, the time had come for a change. The candy corn, and sunflowers of fall, just don't look quite right at this time of year (never mind that it was in the 70's again last week - today, it looks like winter!).

The older girls took on the challenge, and brought the rocks in for a redo. They washed them first, and then gave them a quick base coat of solid color.
Acrylic paint dries quickly, so they were able to complete their project in one sitting. By the time they had finished the base coats, the rocks were already dry enough to add detail.

Within an hour, they were ready to be placed on the doorstep - and activity number one, was complete.
It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Aww, what a fun idea, I love this! Thanks so much for sharing, I'll be linking.

  2. Such a great idea. My little ones would love it!
    P.S.- Just FYI the "your" in your title banner is actually misspelled. It should be "you're," as in "you are."

  3. Oops - you're (you are) exactly right! It's amazing the things a person can read over, and over, and never see. Thanks :)

