Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Kid Crafted Christmas Cards

The Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash continues today, with a Christmas craft link up at Blue Eyed Blessings. Most of the crafts we've made this season have been children's crafts, including the Christmas cards pictured above, which were crafted by the children for their grandparents, and their great-grandmother.

We wanted to deliver both a card, and a cutaway craft from the children, that the grandparents can hang up, for a little bit of Christmas enjoyment of their own. Originally, I had planned to use a crayon melt craft, but realized, much to my horror, that we were completely out of wax paper. So, we shifted gears slightly, to a tissue paper, and contact paper sun catcher sort of thing. I've been inspired by a number of these in the blogosphere this fall, and winter, and it seemed like a good time to try it with the children.

We started by folding a pieces of red construction paper in half, to make our cards. Then, we traced a tree, and star shaped cookie cutters, on the front of the cards, which you can see from the picture below, required tongue protruding concentration.

I cut out the shapes for the children, and also cut matching shapes from a half piece of construction paper, to go inside the cards.

We cut three pieces of contact paper, the same size as our unfolded cards. We placed the contact paper over the cutouts, sticky side up, and covered the spaces with green, and yellow, construction paper. Then, we folded the contact paper in half, so the tissue paper was sandwiched in the middle of the contact paper, which was now the same size as our half sheet of construction paper.

We glued the contact paper inside the card, between our two cutout sheets.

All, that was left was to glue in a picture of the children in front of the Christmas tree, and have them write a little greeting, and sign their names, and our cards were complete.

This craft was fairly involved for the younger children, and after working through it with them, and then trying to get everyone still, and straight in an attempt at a nice picture for the grandparents (not to mention dressed in matching Sunday attire), my nerves were a tad more than frazzled. But, the children were quite pleased with the end result, and I think their grandparents will be too.

For more crafty Christmas ideas be sure to check out the Holly Bloggy Christmas Bash links at Blue Eyed Blessings, or the Christmas Link Up at Southern Domestic Goddess.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Super cute cards. Stopping in from the Bash. Merry Christmas :o)

  2. These are so fun, I love how the light shines through a bit. And YES you should totally learn how to mod podge. It's really easy and you have kids old enough to give it a whirl too:) Any questions just let me know.

  3. Cute cards! Grace would love to make these. :-)

  4. I love these they are so super fun to make thanks for sharing and refreshing my mind I think I might make these with my nephew

  5. Love the cards...Your pictures are great. There are new tree pictures up on the holiday blog...and I am loving looking through all the beautiful decorations on the Home Tour...Just need a few free hours...

  6. Very pretty - a little too involved for us, but definitely worth the effort.

  7. Love that, they came out so cute!

