Sunday, September 20, 2009

Scarecrow Craft

Our scarecrow craft was inspired by the library picture books the little ones and I have been reading this week, featuring scarecrows. Being the weekend, we kept it pretty simple. But, they turned out cute enough, I thought I'd share.

We used one for a fridge magnet. I cut up a thin magnet business card, you know, the ones repair people like to leave behind. A thicker magnet would probably hold it to the fridge better. Ours will only stick near the top, where it's head doesn't push it out. But, we like him up there anyway, he looks like he's keeping watch over the kitchen.

Another scarecrow is guarding our egghead garden, adding a nice touch of fall to the house.



Arms and Legs:






My husband pointed out (after we were finished), that we should have added some bits of yarn sticking out from under the hat. Looking at our scarecrows now, I have to agree. They do look bald. If I can yank their little hats back off, I might fix that problem this afternoon. Of course, the kids like them the way they are, so I might just give up and leave them bald.
Just in case, you're looking for more scarecrow fun, we also found a paper bag scarecrow craft, and a number of free fall worksheets, and activities, many of which feature scarecrows, here, at All Kids Network.
It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Oooh that is so cute! I might steal your idea there :)

  2. I think he's super cute, hair or no hair! I'll be linking.

  3. Very cute, and great fun for kids. I've featured this on if you'd like to grab a button.

    I'll be checking back for for fun stuff!

