Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Cardboard Geometric Building Shapes - Unplugged Project

Since this weeks Unplugged Project theme was geometric, and I was ready to have my family room back, I took our cardboard submarine, and turned it from this (which was outside in the picture, but spent most of it's time inside in the family room)...

...to this...

...to this...

Please note the squares, and rectangles (geometric shapes, to be sure). The squares are 5 inches on each side, the large rectangles are 5'' x 10'', the small rectangles are 2.5'' x 5'', the arches are 5 inches across the bottom, and 2.5 inches at their highest point. And, no that small pile of shapes did not use up all the cardboard. I still have about half to go, more than enough to add some triangles, trapezoids, and any other polyhedrons that might strike our fancy.

The slots in the sides, are so children can slip them together to build houses...


...or maybe army forts.

But, the best part of this project is that when the children are done building, and playing with their geometric creations, it all comes back apart for easy storage. And, I have my family room, or in this case, my kitchen table, back again.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. this is really cool, recetly I found somehitng similar on a website, large shapes which could be sloitted together to build forms, but I prefer this because you can just keep cuttign pieces as required and it's cheap!! great!!!

  2. This is a wonderful idea! That fort is something. I have some cardboard to use, in color and everything! My little girl is going to love this.

  3. Wow! Cool idea!

    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. What a great idea. I have been wanted to get a set of these building toys that are very similar from Hearth Song but this would be perfect instead!

  5. I just wanted to tell you how inspiring your blog is. I am a SAHM with two small children and your wonderful ideas help to fill our days with fun. Especially when it is115 deg outside and we can't go out to play ;-)

  6. Thanks - I really appreciate your comment - but 115, yikes!

  7. Oh, very clever! And when they get too old with them, they recycle!

    We have something similar (from a store) in plastic, and they are just square shapes. I like yours better.

  8. How did I miss this the first time around?

