Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Organizing School Supplies

It's that time of year again, when glue sticks, pencils, and crayons are at their lowest sale price. The problem is, where to keep an entire years worth of supplies. Nick Jr. has one of the best suggestions I've seen yet. They used an inexpensive, clear, over the door shoe organizer (you know the kind, that is totally useless for keeping shoes in) for all those supplies, you need handy, but out of the way.

We use a linen closet to keep all of our school books, and games in, so an over the door, hanger is perfect for us. I'll have to do a bit of rearranging, and probably condensing, but I'm really pleased with how it's working out. I picked up two, so that I could hang one in the entryway coat closet, for mittens and hats this winter. But, I'm thinking I might need a third, for science supplies too. If only I had another closet, I could trust the kids to stay out of!

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. That is a great idea. How much are the shoe thingys? We usually just throw them in the desk drawer.

  2. They were six something at Walmart - The Nick Jr. post was sponsered by Target - but we didn't check there.

