Wednesday, January 19, 2011

One More Greedy Triangle Activity, and A Little More Fun With Geometry

I was about to clear the marshmallows, and toothpicks away, when I came across one more Greedy Triangle inspired activity, from Mrs. Coon's Team.

I laid out what was left of our stale marshmallows, along with a few more toothpicks, and our polygon, lacing cards, from the other day.

The children came and went, forming polygons at their leisure.

Naturally, we ended up with a few more tetrahedrons too, because those are just fun to make. In fact, we spent some time forming them out of letter sized envelopes, as well, following instructions from Enchanted Learning (click the link to view the instructions).

I did the measuring, and cutting...

...and then traced, and numbered the sides...

...for the children to color, before they folded them together, into place.

It turned out to be a great way to reinforce the concept, of the number of faces of the shape.

Finally, just to cap it all off, we watched They Might Be Giants' "Nonagon" song (click the link to view it on YouTube). Thanks to Kimberly of All About (my) Boys, for recommending it.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. This is great. Now I want to get that book again. I'll have to buy some marshmallows too!

  2. You really went out for the Greedy Triangle - I love all your ideas.

  3. And They Might Be Giants also has a song called Triangle Man, but it's a little weird.

    We're using marshmallows tomorrow for a tornado experiment of sorts.

  4. Enjoyed reading your blog.Nice tips and tricks for children.

  5. I LOVE "They might Be Giants!" Adding music to math just seems natural to me...good lesson!

