Friday, July 5, 2013

Summer Fun Day 41 - Astronaut Ice Cream

"...spies took jobs in the Wonka factory, pretending that they were ordinary workers, and while they were there, each one of them found out exactly how a certain special thing was made."
"And did they go back to their own factories and tell?" asked Charlie.
"They must have," answered Grandpa Joe, "because soon after that, Fickelgruber's factory started making an ice cream that would never melt, even in the hottest sun.  -  from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl (emphasis mine).

 Proof spies once worked with the space program...

...but that Mr. Wonka's secrets are still safe.

It's great to be a homeschooler.


  1. Their faces as they eat it.....

  2. Ticia - Yes, if it's anything like Fickelgruber's ice cream - Wonka doesn't need to worry - the children were not impressed :)

  3. My kids were not impressed either. They got some at the Smithsonian museum and they felt sorry for the astronauts.

  4. This is how Anna felt about Astronaut icecream too! At least it's worth a try.

  5. Hilarious :-) "Ice" - "Cream" that's not cold nor creamy :-)

